
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Onwards and downwards

I suppose that stealing my kids eggs on a nightly basis was never going to lose me any weight this week - but none went on either - I shall cling to that.   Fortunately I am now sick of the sight of the bloody things (the eggs, not my kids) and although they are still coming out of our ears, I am very definitely back on the rabbit food.

There was a real sense of misery in the fat club room last night, with everyone whispering to each other about how many eggs they had eaten - that flippin Easter Bunny has a lot to answer for.  Why are members of a slimming club so rubbish at dieting?


  1. I didn't have any eggs and still didn't lose any

  2. funny! My trainer said he thinks my arms are changing and I insisted it is lumps of chocolate. One way or the other, I get results! x

  3. oh yes I know, Easter sucks eggs! Did I really think the eggs I bought weeks in advance to be organised would last... willpower count? zero

  4. over the hill mum, i know how you feel - i can deprive myself for weeks of chocolate and nothing bloody happens - soul destroying

    i'm so fancy, exactly - one way or another, then who cares! x

    Nel, no willpower here either - could never resist an egg!
